Dr Emma Rose will talk on Equine Reproduction Fact, Fiction and Practicality

Dr Emma-Rose Conroy MVB MVM
Euro Stallions (Ireland) Ltd
Name of Discussion at forthcoming Equine Hedge School at Killashee on Tuesday 5th January 2016;
Equine Reproduction: Fact, Fiction and Practicality at 3rd Annual Equine Hedge School next Tuesday 5th January 2016
A mare owner’s guide to mare preparation for the breeding season, the pros and cons of chilled and frozen semen and an overview of embryo transfer.

Euro Stallions is an Ireland-based stallion semen agency and EU-approved semen storage centre, providing horse breeders with easy access to some of the sport horse world’s very best stallions. Euro Stallions is a veterinarian-led company offering a high level of service.

We have many links across the UK and the Continent and our aim is to provide our clients with a simple, easy process for accessing stallions standing abroad. We deal with chilled and frozen semen and have stocks of frozen semen from our stallions already in storage in Ireland, greatly reducing shipping costs to Ireland-based breeders. Euro Stallions is happy to organise the delivery of semen direct to your own farm or vet, or you may also use one of our recommended vets where we keep a stock of our most popular stallions on site!

We currently represent Semilly Stud, the Holsteiner Verband, Team Nijhof, Stal De Muze, Paul Schockemöhle, Bois Margot, iBreed Agency, The Stallion Company, Stallions AI, Haras De Brullemail, Zuchthof ,Klatte, De Radstake, Gerd Sosath, Belignieux le Haras, Jens Meyer, Hunters Studfarm and Harthill Stud, amongst others.

Diamant De Semilly, Kannan, For Pleasure, Casall, Balou Du Rouet, Quidam De Revel, Plot Blue, Vagabond De La Pomme, Van Gogh, I’m Special De Muze, Jaguar Mail, Tangelo van De Zuuthoeve, Canturo, Vigo D’Arsouilles, Singular LS La Silla, Rock n Roll Semilly, Diarado, Quality Time, Ramiro B and 100s more!!

Euro Stallions, in conjunction with Robertson Equine, also stand the phenomenal Luidam in Ireland!



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